Charitable Registration No. 79858 2292 RR0001
For information on all registered charities in Canada under the Income Tax Act please contact:
Canada Revenue Agency
You can help this charity to support educations awards (and receive a tax deductible receipt):
Send your donation by cheque to:
Cattlemen’s Martin Riedemann Society
#4-10145 Dallas Drive, Kamloops BC V2C 6T4
You can use your credit card here.
You can make or invite memorial donations, or estate gifts. All gifts are appreciated.
Contact us through 250-573-3611 Email [email protected]
For information on all registered charities in Canada under the Income Tax Act please contact:
Canada Revenue Agency
You can help this charity to support educations awards (and receive a tax deductible receipt):
Send your donation by cheque to:
Cattlemen’s Martin Riedemann Society
#4-10145 Dallas Drive, Kamloops BC V2C 6T4
You can use your credit card here.
You can make or invite memorial donations, or estate gifts. All gifts are appreciated.
Contact us through 250-573-3611 Email [email protected]