Deadline - March 1st Every Year.
There is one common APPLICATION FORM for the following seven bursaries: Martin Riedemann, BC Cattlemen's Association, Rob Starr Memorial Bursary, RBC Dominion Securities, Pinantan Pemberton, Okanagan Feeders Co-Op Bursary and the Valene & Wayne Everett Bursary.
- Martin Riedemann Annual Bursary
Value: $1,500
Application deadline: March 1st.
This bursary was established in 1975 in honor of Martin Riedemann of Alkali Lake Ranch who passed away in a boating accident at the lake. At the time of his passing, Martin Riedemann was Vice-President of the BC Cattlemen's Association.
The purpose of this bursary is to assist worthy students from ranching families to further their education in any desired field of study. - BC Cattlemen's Association Bursary
Value: $1,500
Application deadline: March 1st.
The purpose of this bursary is to assist worthy students from ranching families to further their education in any desired field of study. - Rob Starr Memorial Bursary
Value: $1,500
Application Deadline: March 1st.
The ROB STARR MEMORIAL BURSARY is provided by family and friends of Rob Starr who operated Miocene Simmentals and was a long-time supporter of the 4-H movement and the beef industry. - RBC Dominion Securities - Criterion Capital Group
Value: $ 1,500
Application deadline: March 1st.
This bursary was established in 2000 with funds by the RBC Dominion Securities - Criterion Capital Group.
The purpose of the RBC Dominion Securities - Criterion Capital Group Bursary is to assist worthy students from ranching families to further their education in any desired field of study.
- Pinantan Pemberton Livestock Association Bursary (School District 73)
Value $1,000
Application deadline: March 1st
This bursary was established in 2019 with funds from the Pinantan Pemberton Livestock Association. The purpose is to assist worthy students from ranching families from School District 73 to further their education in any desired field of study.
- Okanagan Feeders Co-Op Bursary
Value $1,500
Application deadline: March 1st
When the Okanagan Feeders Co-op members folded their association, surplus funds were provided to the Cattlemen's Martin Riedemann Society, noting "The association is happy to be able to support those looking to continue the legacy of the cattle industry."
- Valene & Wayne Everett Bursary
Value $2,000
Application deadline: March 1st
Provided by the Everett and Robert Pearce families to help further the legacy of Valene and Wayne who ranched in the South Thompson River area from 1967-1989 and were innovators to further ranching in BC.
- Bostock & Fallis Families of Monte Creek Heritage Fund Bursary
Value: $2,500
Application deadline: March 1st.
The Bostock and Fallis families have ranched in the Monte Creek are of B.C. since 1888. During that time, they have been instrumental in the development and activities within the interior of B.C. including politics, newspapers, charitable organizations, cattle organizations and the 4-H movement. To give back to the community, a fund has been established through the BC Interior Community Foundation to award two annual bursaries, as well as provide donation to charities within the area serviced by the BC Interior Community Foundation.
These bursaries are intended to provide financial assistance to students who can show financial need and wish to further their studies after completing high school and are enrolled in a recognized post-secondary institution (trade school, college or university) within Canada. Applicants must have graduated from a secondary school within British Columbia and east of a line from Hope to Terrace. Two bursaries of $2,500 each will be awarded annually should suitable candidates apply.
- Loy & Marie Jim Scholarship [Application Form]
Value: $2,000
Application deadline: March 1st.
These scholarships were established in 2003 by the Jim family as a way to give back to the cattle industry, encourage the ranchers of tomorrow, and recognize their late father by establishing the Gung Loy Jim Memorial Scholarships. Little Fort Herefords continues as a thriving purebred & commercial family ranch in Little Fort, British Columbia, run by the Jim family.
Two scholarships are awarded each year. The purpose of this scholarship is to assist worthy students from British Columbia, especially those from rural areas where cattle are raised, to further his/her education in whichever field they desire. In 2023, the twentieth year of awarding the Gung Loy Jim Scholarship, it was renamed the Loy & Marie Jim Scholarship.